Friday, July 12, 2013

Shah Alam

hey Assalamalaikum :) 
im at shah alam . im home , finally :D so happy to be home . happy sangat dapat berbuka and sahur dengan family . i've been missing them so much . for berbuka semalam mama masak lauk favorite aku :D but kesian mama , project cookies dia tak settle lagi . kira aku balik ni macam balik untuk tolong , diorang panggil aku pekerja bangla import dari segamat , haha . i had fun doing this with acik last night . masa tengah buat kerja , acik tiba2 share everything pasal kat tempat kerja dia , its like shes been waiting for me to tell me all of those stories . im touched , seriously . so aku pun cerita la kat dia pasal kawan2 aku kat segamat and life aku semua kat sana . gelak2 kitorang masa tengah share2 cerita tu , haha . bila dah macam tu , tak sedar kitorang dah settle kan satu kotak cookies semalam , bagus kan ? haha 

mama's chocolate chip cookies , the best :D

nek mami's coconut cookies :D

cookies ni semua ada orang tempah untuk event apa entah . so dah sebulan lebih mama bersusah payah nak siap kan semua ni . tapi rumah bau chocolate chip cookies , serious sedap :p tu je kot nak share , Assalamualaikum :)

Thursday, July 11, 2013


today is the second day of puasa , alhamdulillah everything went well . boleh tahan juga puasa kat sini . nak cari juadah berbuka tu senang sangat . ifc jual macam2 , kat nr ada bazaar . nak cari makan untuk berbuka tu bukan satu masalah la . but i really miss home bila puasa ni . rindu nak berbuka dengan family . first time berjauh dengan diorang time puasa . tapi takpe , esok balik *SHAH ALAM* yeah ! hahaha . looking forward to meet them . ohh and hari ni nurin and i pakai baju *KRUISE* . kruise tu Kelab Rekreasi UiTM Segamat . 

baju official kruise

thats all , Assalamualaikum :)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

hey there !

its been too long since the last time i stop blogging . i deleted my blog when im 16 , and hey im 18 now :D so im currently studying at uitm segamat , diploma in information management . emelyne sama campus dengan aku , hell yeah ! haha but dia diploma in computer science . dah2 , thats all for tonight . ohh before that , heres some pictures of me and my new buddys here at uitm segamat . 

9 of us

fikri's photobombing

syahmi si gila

ain my baby